TYCO Crimper Box

TYCO Crimper Box
By motionmind

Not sure how many people out there even have this model crimper, but I needed a carrying case for my Tyco RJ-11/RJ-45 crimper and extra die along with the actual crimp ends. The STLs contains actual cutouts to help you open the box as I didn’t think about it and just had to heat a thumb divet into the front of mine after I printed it.

Uses 8x3mm magnets to keep it closed.

Uses a piece of 1.75mm PETG filament as the hinge, with each end heat warped a bit to stay in place.

Download model: https://www.thingiverse.com/download:14507244

June 15, 2024 at 10:38PM
via Thingiverse – Newest Things https://ift.tt/uh6t0r1

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