Larger Funnel for Malolo’s silica gel desiccant containers

Larger Funnel for Malolo’s silica gel desiccant containers
By Electricview

I liked Malolo’s original design, but with the 8 pound jug of desiccant I was using the funnel was much to small and the little balls would hit the funnel and bounce out all over my desk. So I made a quick dirty increase in size of the funnel.

There are 2 versions of the funnel here.. One version has a middle ‘cap’ attached to the funnel if you are using his ‘full core’ design. As I didnt want to have to print out his small pointy piece just to use it for only when filling and then having to remove it, so i built it into the funnel. If you print this version print the funnel upside down and USE SUPPORTS for the middle piece the rest of the funnel wont need it) and take extra care when removing your supports so you dont break the middle cap out of the funnel.

The second version has no cap in the middle, its just the funnel for all the other sizes of his container. Just print it upside down (largest part downward) and you shouldn’t need any supports.


(With this design, only 1 little bead jumped out, much much better for me).

Download model:

June 25, 2024 at 06:42AM
via Thingiverse – Newest Things

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