World’s Tallest Teen Gets 3D Printed Size 28 Shoes From Feetz

World’s Tallest Teen Gets 3D Printed Size 28 Shoes From Feetz
By Tyler Koslow


This is 19-year-old Broc Brown, formerly the world’s tallest teen; he’s the lucky recipient of a pair of 3D printed size 28 shoes from Feetz.

3D printing offers a number of advantages to the footwear industry, from comfort-driven insoles to custom-fitted sneakers for athletics. Shoe manufacturers have become especially infatuated with the ability to personalize their product for each customer.

California-based 3D printed footwear company Feetz recently took this to the extreme, producing a size 28 shoe for a 19-year-old named Broc Brown.

The young Michigan man has Sotos Syndrome (aka cerebral gigantism), a rare genetic disorder that causes abnormal growth during youth. Standing at 7 feet 8 inches tall, Brown was once listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s tallest teenager.

Aside from chronic pain, ADHD, and other behavioral disorders, Brown also has trouble finding affordable and properly sized shoes. But thanks to Feetz, 3D printing technology is solving that problem that for him.


Feetz Finds Big Shoes To Fill

At the beginning of March, Feetz CEO Lucy Beard hand-delivered a pair of custom-fitted 3D printed shoes directly to Brown. The black and red color represent his favorite sports team, the Chicago Bulls. Measuring out to size 28, this ambitiously sized shoes are the largest ever created by Feetz.

Beard talked about the project to the Chicago Tribune:

“We’ve never done a shoe this big before, but we’re just excited to get Broc some comfy shoes. We’re really just honored to do this.”

To create their custom shoes, Feetz uses three photos to generate a 3D model of the foot through their app. After filling in additional information from the customer, the company is able to print the footwear within 24 hours.

The footwear startup is considered to be the first to fully produce and sell fully 3D printed shoes. According to Beard, their 3D printed shoes generally cost between $99 and $250. Compared to typical custom-fitted shoes, Feetz offers their product for more than half the price.

Once considered the tallest teenage in the world, Brown is no longer qualified due to age restrictions. But now, he can likely claim to be a world record holder once again, this time for owning the largest-ever pair of 3D printed shoes.


The post World’s Tallest Teen Gets 3D Printed Size 28 Shoes From Feetz appeared first on All3DP.

March 10, 2017 at 08:00PM
via All3DPAll3DP

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